Sydneysiders love a lake loop and as evidenced by the crowds on Iron Cove, Narrabeen Lagoon and Penrith on the Nepean River. All coincidentally are about 8km. But there is a much bigger lake ride at Chipping Norton out near Liverpool, 4 times bigger.
For this ride you need to be determined to make it around as there a number of sections where the trail almost disappears. You also will not be battling with the crowds at any stage and at times the trail surface is less than ideal. You will find commentary on the ride with the photos.
We started our ride in Moorebank by taking our bikes in the car down the M5. It’s a great new suburb near Chipping Norton.
We rode along the less than pleasant Newbridge Rd towards Georges River. At least the path was OK.
The ride along the Georges River toward Carramar is pretty good. The trail is a good width and there are a few good little dips and bends to keep it interesting.
When you get to the Hume Highway, go easy across the bridge over the Georges River, watch for old trucks and head for the water in Lansvale. There are not many cyclists in this area but the bike trail around the waters is good enough.
If you like a bit of extra riding head towards the big anchor near the Liverpool Golf club. It gets really lonely on the trails down that end.
Keep riding around the lake back to the Hume Highway on the edge of Cabramatta. Follow the really poor footpath down and around Warwick Farm racecourse.
At Warwick Farm racecourse, its really complex getting around. Don’t try and go down a road if there is no path. The map will show you the way but even that may have changed. So be careful and there are good paths around so don’t fret.
Cross at these lights.
Cross over the bridge on Governor Macquarie drive on the north side and head down to the lake. Its an easy trail along the lake for a few kms. Beware of bull sharks.
When you get to the end of the trail, you head on a small mtb track and back to the road and you are nearly there.
We then rode back into Meadowbank to the car
Summary: The trail is a variety of surfaces and reasonably flat, its hard to navigate at times and it can get very lonely around the Liverpool Golf Club. In winter there will be some great fogs on the lake. Its worth giving it a go sometime or maybe just ride from East Hills Station to Fairfield to get a feel for it.
33 km from Moorebank including all sections.