Category: 01 – Greater Sydney Bike Loop

Ride around Sydney twice in two minutes
Here is an animation of the two popular ways to ride around Sydney on the popular Greater Sydney BikeTrack You will see where the four corner points of ride are in relation to all the shared paths and occasional roads that make up the 220km classic route and the 150km route and a few pictures […]
Ride around Sydney on 85% shared paths

The 100km Greater Sydney BikeTrail
Looking at the Greater Sydney BikeTrail one day last week and it dawned on me that you could add train segments to the ride to reduce the overall distance. So I woke up one morning and thought, lets just forget all the maths and plans and start riding. It was hot so I knew I […]

The Parramatta River Cycleway
One of Sydneys best cycleways is the Parramatta River Cycleway. For most people it starts at Meadowbank and heads to Parramatta Park or the other way around. Many people cross the river using the Silverwater bridge into Olympic Park wihere there are 30km more cycle paths. If you don’t like cars, this is a great […]

The Greater Sydney BikeTrail is gathering steam
Back in 2017 I suddenly took the urge to ride around Sydney. I posted the story and the video and no one really got inspired to go around. Well those days are behind us. 17 people have gone around and 2 more are planned for this weekend. Its a happening thing and here is the […]