M7 Cycleway and Prospect Reservoir

This page covers the M7 cycleway (north and south) in Sydneys West, the Parklands Trail, Bungarribee,  Duck Creek, Prospect Reservoir. and the Liverpool Railtrail.  See all the videos across this area here  Note:  All links to Google MyMaps are shown with a  >>   You will need either a PC or a Google Account to make this […]

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Lane Cove Area

There is lots to ride in the Lane Cove area and the best is Lane Cove National Park which consists of very quiet roads and lots of bush. There are two good trails for commuting/scenery, the 17km long Epping Rd Cycleway and the shorter Shrimptons Creek cycleway to Ryde. But if you really want to […]

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Woronora Area

The big shared path ride in the Woronora area is Sutherland to Riverwood thru Menai (20km one way). There is also a detour in Menai to Barden Ridge. The other great riding spot is Como bridge to Oatley Park. From Sutherland you can also make your way to Loftus or the Captain Cooks bridge on […]

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Parramatta City Waterfront near the wharf

The Parramatta River Cycleway

One of Sydneys best cycleways is the Parramatta River Cycleway.  For most people it starts at Meadowbank and heads to Parramatta Park or the other way around.  Many people cross the river using the Silverwater bridge into Olympic Park wihere there are 30km more cycle paths.  If you don’t like cars, this is a great […]

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Northen Road heading south

Add 25km and more to your M7 Cycleway Ride

A common theme amongst Sydney cyclists is that the cycle paths are terrible or non-existent. Well that is certainly true in middle suburbs like Punchbowl and Greenacre and much of the North Shore but its not the case as you head into the newer suburbs in the far west. Great small examples out west are […]

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To Chatswood and Lane Cove National Park and back

We rode from Cammeray to Lane Cove Park a few months back. It’s a great circuit. I recommend that you start near Tunks Park and make your way to the trails under the freeway. You then branch of towards Chatswood and the paths winding up to Chatswood are really nice. Near Chatwwood there are some […]

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Beat the Bus #4 – Rooty Hill to Horsley Park Estates

In Beat the Bus no 4, I was excited to check out using the M7 Cycleway to get to work. It just so happened my son was meeting a manager at a giant warehouse in an industrial estate called Oakdale, so we began investigating ways he could commute by public transport. The nearest station was […]

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Places like Centennial Park in Sydney

There are so many people who head to Centennial Park every day just to do laps and meet with friends. But are there alternatives for this style of bike riding in Sydney ?           Heffron park If you need to just work out and want to get away from the crowds, […]

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Ride the M7 on the hot days at the end of 2018

I was riding the northern half of the M7 at 8am on December 27th, 2018 and I was pleasantly surprised how many riders were out on their bikes.  Given that the weather is going to be identical for the next few days, I thought I would explain why its so pleasant riding early at the […]

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The Best Way to Wolli Creek from Redfern Station

Because I come from the east of Sydney, I was never excited about riding on the western side of Redfern to get to the Cooks River cycleway. Unfortunately the few times I travelled through that area over the years, I just got hopelessly lost and gave up. My only success was learning how to get […]

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Malabar Gentle Loop

We started our ride at Little Bay on a murky morning, rode through the lovely estate at Prince Henry’s and down to La Perouse on the cycle paths when we could. Then we rode along the path past Yarra Bay sailing club, behind the cemetery and up Prince of Wales drive. We then rode across […]

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